I'd love to listen, play, and promote your music. Contact Jitterbug at jitterbugmusiccafe@gmail.com

Friday, March 25, 2011

CHAPTER X. Redwing and Yellow Wing.

Peter had come over to the Smiling Pool especially to pay his respects to Redwing the Blackbird, so as soon as he could, without being impolite, he left Mrs. Teeter sitting on her eggs, and Teeter himself bobbing and bowing in the friendliest way, and hurried over to where the bulrushes grow. In the very top of the Big Hickory-tree, a little farther along on the bank of the Smiling Pool, sat some one who at that distance appeared to be dressed all in black. He was singing as if there were nothing but joy in all the great world. "Quong-ka-reee! Quong-ka-reee! Quong-ka-reee!" he sang. Peter would have known from this song alone that it was Redwing the Blackbird, for there is no other song quite like it.
As soon as Peter appeared in sight Redwing left his high perch and flew down to light among the broken-down bulrushes. As he flew, Peter saw the beautiful red patch on the bend of each wing, from which Redwing gets his name. "No one could ever mistake him for anybody else," thought Peter, "For there isn't anybody else with such beautiful shoulder patches."
"What's the news, Peter Rabbit?" cried Redwing, coming over to sit very near Peter.
"There isn't much," replied Peter, "excepting that Teeter the Sandpiper has four eggs just a little way from here."
Redwing chuckled. "That is no news, Peter," said he. "Do you suppose that I live neighbor to Teeter and don't know where his nest is and all about his affairs? There isn't much going on around the Smiling Pool that I don't know, I can tell you that."
Peter looked a little disappointed, because there is nothing he likes better than to be the bearer of news. "I suppose," said he politely, "that you will be building a nest pretty soon yourself, Redwing."
Redwing chuckled softly. It was a happy, contented sort of chuckle. "No, Peter," said he. "I am not going to build a nest."
"What?" exclaimed Peter, and his two long ears stood straight up with astonishment.
"No," replied Redwing, still chuckling. "I'm not going to build a nest, and if you want to know a little secret, we have four as pretty eggs as ever were laid."
Peter fairly bubbled over with interest and curiosity. "How splendid!" he cried. "Where is your nest, Redwing? I would just love to see it. I suppose it is because she is sitting on those eggs that I haven't seen Mrs. Redwing. It was very stupid of me not to guess that folks who come as early as you do would be among the first to build a home. Where is it, Redwing? Do tell me."
Redwing's eyes twinkled.
"A secret which is known by three
      Full soon will not a secret be,"
said he. "It isn't that I don't trust you, Peter. I know that you wouldn't intentionally let my secret slip out. But you might do it by accident. What you don't know, you can't tell."
"That's right, Redwing. I am glad you have so much sense," said another voice, and Mrs. Redwing alighted very near to Redwing.
Peter couldn't help thinking that Old Mother Nature had been very unfair indeed in dressing Mrs. Redwing. She was, if anything, a little bit smaller than her handsome husband, and such a plain, not to say homely, little body that it was hard work to realize that she was a Blackbird at all. In the first place she wasn't black. She was dressed all over in grayish-brown with streaks of darker brown which in places were almost black. She wore no bright-colored shoulder patches. In fact, there wasn't a bright feather on her anywhere. Peter wanted to ask why it was that she was so plainly dressed, but he was too polite and decided to wait until he should see Jenny Wren. She would be sure to know. Instead, he exclaimed, "How do you do, Mrs. Redwing? I'm ever so glad to see you. I was wondering where you were. Where did you come from?"
"Straight from my home," replied Mrs. Redwing demurely. "And if I do say it, it is the best home we've ever had."
Redwing chuckled. He was full of chuckles. You see, he had noticed how eagerly Peter was looking everywhere.
"This much I will tell you, Peter," said Redwing; "our nest is somewhere in these bulrushes, and if you can find it we won't say a word, even if you don't keep the secret."
Then Redwing chuckled again and Mrs. Redwing chuckled with him. You see, they knew that Peter doesn't like water, and that nest was hidden in a certain clump of brown, broken-down rushes, with water all around. Suddenly Redwing flew up in the air with a harsh cry. "Run, Peter! Run!" he screamed. "Here comes Reddy Fox!"
Peter didn't wait for a second warning. He knew by the sound of Redwing's voice that Redwing wasn't joking. There was just one place of safety, and that was an old hole of Grandfather Chuck's between the roots of the Big Hickory-tree. Peter didn't waste any time getting there, and he was none too soon, for Reddy was so close at his heels that he pulled some white hairs out of Peter's tail as Peter plunged headfirst down that hole. It was a lucky thing for Peter that that hole was too small for Reddy to follow and the roots prevented Reddy from digging it any bigger.
For a long time Peter sat in Grandfather Chuck's old house, wondering how soon it would be safe for him to come out. For a while he heard Mr. and Mrs. Redwing scolding sharply, and by this he knew that Reddy Fox was still about. By and by they stopped scolding, and a few minutes later he heard Redwing's happy song. "That means," thought Peter, "that Reddy Fox has gone away, but I think I'll sit here a while longer to make sure."
Now Peter was sitting right under the Big Hickory-tree. After a while he began to hear faint little sounds, little taps, and scratching sounds as of claws. They seemed to come from right over his head, but he knew that there was no one in that hole but himself. He couldn't understand it at all.
Finally Peter decided it would be safe to peek outside. Very carefully he poked his head out. Just as he did so, a little chip struck him right on the nose. Peter pulled his head back hurriedly and stared at the little chip which lay just in front of the hole. Then two or three more little chips fell. Peter knew that they must come from up in the Big Hickory-tree, and right away his curiosity was aroused. Redwing was singing so happily that Peter felt sure no danger was near, so he hopped outside and looked up to find out where those little chips had come from. Just a few feet above his head he saw a round hole in the trunk of the Big Hickory-tree. While he was looking at it, a head with a long stout bill was thrust out and in that bill were two or three little chips. Peter's heart gave a little jump of glad surprise.
"Yellow Wing!" he cried. "My goodness, how you startled me!"
The chips were dropped and the head was thrust farther out. The sides and throat were a soft reddish-tan and on each side at the beginning of the bill was a black patch. The top of the head was gray and just at the back was a little band of bright red. There was no mistaking that head. It belonged to Yellow Wing the Flicker beyond a doubt.
"Hello, Peter!" exclaimed Yellow Wing, his eyes twinkling. "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing," replied Peter, "but I want to know what you are doing. What are all those chips?"
"I'm fixing up this old house of mine," replied Yellow Wing promptly. "It wasn't quite deep enough to suit me, so I am making it a little deeper. Mrs. Yellow Wing and I haven't been able to find another house to suit us, so we have decided to live here again this year." He came wholly out and flew down on the ground near Peter. When his wings were spread, Peter saw that on the under sides they were a beautiful golden-yellow, as were the under sides of his tail feathers. Around his throat was a broad, black collar. From this, clear to his tail, were black dots. When his wings were spread, the upper part of his body just above the tail was pure white.
"My," exclaimed Peter, "you are a handsome fellow! I never realized before how handsome you are."
Yellow Wing looked pleased. Perhaps he felt a little flattered. "I am glad you think so, Peter," said he. "I am rather proud of my suit, myself. I don't know of any member of my family with whom I would change coats."
A sudden thought struck Peter. "What family do you belong to?" He asked abruptly.
"The Woodpecker family," replied Yellow Wing proudly.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet the Flycatchers

Chapter VI of the Thornton Burgess Bird Book for Children introduces Dear Me a Phoebe and Chebec a lesser flycatcher.
Hammond's Flycatcher (Mitchell Canyon)photo © 2008 black_throated_green_warbler | more info (via: Wylio)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where is Bahrain?

Have you heard about Bahrain recently in the news? Do you know where it is?
I didn't so I thought I'd find out a little more about this Middle Eastern country.
The information is from the United States Department of State.

Geography Bahrain is  727 sq. km. (274 sq. mi.); approximately four times the size of Washington, DC. Bahrain is an archipelago of 36 islands located off the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. The four main islands are joined by causeways, and make up about 95% of the total land area.
The capital is Manama, pop. (2002 est.) 148,000.
Bahrain is a low desert plain very hot and humid from May to September with average highs between 86 and 104 degrees fahrenheit. The rest of the year is temperature with average temperatures between 68 and 86 degrees fahrenheit.

Population (January 2008 est.): 1,046,814, including about 517,368 non-nationals.
Ethnic groups: Bahraini 63%, Asian 19%, other Arab 10%, Iranian 8%.
Religions: 98% Muslim (approximately Shi'a 70%, Sunni 30%), with small Christian, Jewish, Baha’i, and Hindu communities.
Languages: Arabic (official), English, Farsi, and Urdu are also widely spoken.
Education is not required, but is provided free to Bahrainis and non-nationals at all levels, including higher education. 

Estimated net primary school attendance (1991-2001)--84%. Adult literacy, age 15 and over (2003 est.)--89.1% for the overall population (male 91.9%, female 85%).

Bahrain gained independence from the United Kingdom August 15, 1971
The government is a constitutional hereditary monarchy.

Constitution: Approved and promulgated May 26, 1973; suspended on August 26, 1975; the National Action Charter was approved by a national popular referendum on February 14-15, 2001, and a new constitution was issued on February 14, 2002.
Branches of the Government: Executive--King (chief of state); Prime Minister (head of government); Council of Ministers (cabinet) is appointed by the King and headed by the Prime Minister.

 Legislative--The bicameral parliament (al-Majlis al-Watani) consists of a 40-member elected Council of Representatives and a 40-member Shura (Consultative) Council appointed by the King. Members of both chambers serve 4-year terms. Judicial--High Civil Appeals Court. The judiciary is independent with right of judicial review.

Super fun, pretty and easy Valentine project

I know Valentine's Day is over but this is a super fun project.
Weave a heart.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zucchini Brothers

We're excited to have The Zucchini Brothers show on at 3:30 pm on Fridays as part of Jitterbug Cafe.
Friday February 4, 2011 is our first air date. Learn about the Zucchini Brothers at www.zucchinibrothers.com

Friday, January 28, 2011

Meet "Sweetvoice" a Vesper Sparrow

In Chapter IV of Thornton Burgess's Bird Book for Children, Peter Rabbit introduces us to Sweetvoice a Vesper Sparrow.
Find out more about Vesper Sparrows here:
Vesper Sparrow, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Vesper Sparrowphoto © 2009 Tim Lenz | more info (via: Wylio)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fox Sparrow, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Fox Sparrow, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Fox Sparrowphoto © 2010 Kelly Colgan Azar | more info (via: Wylio)

CHAPTER III. Jenny Has a Good Word for Some Sparrows.

In chapter III of the Thornton Burgess Bird Book for Children Jenny Wren and Peter Rabbit talk about sparrows, including the White-throated Sparrow.

White-throated Sparrow, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
White Throated Sparrowphoto © 2009 Nancy | more info (via: Wylio)

Blue Plate Special Jan 21, 2011: Robert Burns Night

Robert Burns was a Scottish writer and poet. A celebration of his life and works occurs around the world around the anniversary of his birthday. His birthday was January 25 1759.
Burns suppers typically include Scottish music, dance, haggis, scotch drinking, and poetry.
Some famous poems of Robert Burns includes: A Red, Red Rose, Tam O'Shanter, A Man's a Man for A' That.

Ultima Thule: Robert Burns by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I see amid the fields of Ayr
A ploughman, who, in foul and fair,
Sings at his task
So clear, we know not if it is
The laverock's song we hear, or his,
Nor care to ask.

For him the ploughing of those fields
A more ethereal harvest yields
Than sheaves of grain;
Songs flush with purple bloom the rye,
The plover's call, the curlew's cry,
Sing in his brain.

Touched by his hand, the wayside weed
Becomes a flower; the lowliest reed
Beside the stream
Is clothed with beauty; gorse and grass
And heather, where his footsteps pass,
The brighter seem.

He sings of love, whose flame illumes
The darkness of lone cottage rooms;
He feels the force,
The treacherous undertow and stress
Of wayward passions, and no less
The keen remorse.

At moments, wrestling with his fate,
His voice is harsh, but not with hate;
The brushwood, hung
Above the tavern door, lets fall
Its bitter leaf, its drop of gall
Upon his tongue.

But still the music of his song
Rises o'er all, elate and strong;
Its master-chords
Are Manhood, Freedom, Brotherhood,
Its discords but an interlude
Between the words.

And then to die so young and leave
Unfinished what he might achieve!
Yet better sure
Is this, than wandering up and down
An old man in a country town,
Infirm and poor.

For now he haunts his native land
As an immortal youth; his hand
Guides every plough;
He sits beside each ingle-nook,
His voice is in each rushing brook,
Each rustling bough.

His presence haunts this room to-night,
A form of mingled mist and light
From that far coast.
Welcome beneath this roof of mine!
Welcome! this vacant chair is thine,
Dear guest and ghost!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MLK Day Show

Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C…08/28/1963photo © 1963 The U.S. National Archives | more info (via: Wylio)

The Blue Plate Special for the Friday Jan 14 show was "Songs of Freedom: The story of the Civil Rights Movement through music".
This CD is a Smithsonian Folkways recordings, which was founded in 1949 by Moses Asch and Marian Distler to "document music, spoken word, instruction, and sounds from around the world."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Monday January 17 is Martin Luther King Junior Day

Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. Visit MLKDay.gov.

Chapter II The Old Orchard Bully

In the second chapter of Thornton Burgess's Bird Book for Children we are introduced to the "bullies" English or house sparrows.
Male House Sparrow
House Sparrow
photo © 2008 John Haslam | more info (via: Wylio) 

Friday, January 7, 2011

146 Bird Calls

Peter Rabbit meets Jenny Wren

Starting with the January 7, 2011 Jitterbug will be reading


By Thornton W. Burgess

This book is in the public domain via Project Gutenberg.
In Chapter 1 Peter Rabbit meets the house wren Jenny. She tells him about traveling to warmer places for the winter when there is no food to eat. They also talk about blending in to hide with brown feathers.

Wren Page 3167photo © 2010 Sue Clark | more info (via: Wylio)    

Happy New Year!

Feel better in 2011 by taking small steps to making movement part of your daily life.

Kids need lots of activity- 60 minutes a day! That is aerobic activity that gets your heart pumping.
Strength building activities and stretching are important too. Doing these  regularly will make you feel better. Just don't try and go crazy adding too much stuff in at once. That's how you can get turned off to movement. Slowly add activities into your life to make them a permanent part of your life.

Check out the small steps website for tons of ideas for making small steps:

Small Steps

I've dug out some exercise DVDs and checked out a Pilates DVD from the library to get myself going.
I'm trying to walk my two dogs now everyday too.